- General provisions
1.1. This Personal Data Processing Policy is drawn up in compliance with the requirements of Federal Law of 27.07.2006. No. 152-FZ “Concerning personal data” and establishes the procedure of personal data processing and personal data protection measures taken by Individual Entrepreneur Sandyrev Timofei Mikhailovich (personal data operator registration number 44-21-002059) (hereinafter – Operator).
1.2. The Operator has established observation of human and citizen rights and freedoms in the course of processing of personal data, including protection of privacy rights, personal and family secrets, as their primary aim and essential condition for their activities.
1.3. This policy of the Operator concerning personal data processing (hereinafter – Policy) applies to any and all information which may be obtained by the Operator on visitors of chvt.ru website.
- Main definitions utilized in this Policy:
- Automatized personal data processing means personal data processing by means of computing equipment;
- Personal data blocking means temporary suspension of personal data processing (except for cases when such processing is required in order to validate personal data);
- Website means an aggregate of graphic and informational materials, and also computer and database programs, ensuring their availability on the Internet at network address https://chvt.ru/;
- Personal data information system means an aggregate of personal data contained in databases and information technologies and hardware performing their processing;
- Personal data depersonalization means actions resulting in inability to determine relation of personal data to any specific User or other personal data subject without the use of additional information;
- Personal data processing means any action (operation) or an aggregate of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation means or without the use of such means involving personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, validation (update, amendment), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data;
- Operator means a state authority, municipal authority, legal entity or natural person, independently or jointly with other parties arranging and (or) performing personal data processing, and also determining the aims of personal data processing, composition of personal data subject to processing and actions (operations) involving personal data;
- Personal data means any information directly or indirectly related to a specific and identifiable User of chvt.ru website;
- User means any visitor of chvt.ru website;
- Provision of personal data means actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to specific persons or specific groups of persons;
- Distribution of personal data means any actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to an unspecified number of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarization of an unspecified number of persons with personal data, including publication of personal data in mass-media, their placement in information and communication networks or provision of access to personal data by any other means;
- International personal data transfer means transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to a foreign state authority, a foreign natural person or legal entity;
- Destruction of personal data means any actions resulting in irreversible destruction of personal data rendering impossible further restoration of personal data content in a personal data information system and (or) destruction of material media bearing personal data.
- The Operator may process the following personal data of the User:
- Full name;
- E-mail;
- Phone numbers;
- Sex;
- Date of birth;
- Place of birth;
- Photograph;
- Nationality;
- Passport details.
3.1. Additionally, depersonalized data on visitors are accumulated and processed on the website (including “cookie” files) and by means of Internet statistics services (Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics and others).
3.2. Abovesaid data are united hereunder under the common definition of Personal data.
- Aims of personal data processing
4.1. The aims of User personal data processing are identification in the course of execution of the event “Championship of High Technologies” and provision of information to the User by means of electronic mail delivery; provision of access to the User to services, information and/or materials available on the website.
4.2. Additionally, the Operator may deliver to the User notifications concerning new products and services, special offers and various events. The User may refuse to receive information messages at all times by delivering a letter to the Operator to the email address support@it-digl.ru labeled as “Refusal from notifications on new products, services and special offers”.
4.3. Depersonalized data of Users collected by means of Internet statistics services are utilized for collection of information on User actions on the website for quality improvement of the website and its content.
- Legal grounds for personal data processing
5.1. The Operator processes personal data of the User exclusively if they are input and/or sent by the User independently via specialized forms located at chvt.ru website. By filling out relevant forms and/or sending own personal data, the User acknowledges their consent with this Policy.
5.2. The Operator processes depersonalized data on the User in case it is allowed by selected options of the User’s browser (enabled “cookie” file saving and JavaScript technology use).
- Procedure of collection, storage, transfer and other types of processing of personal data
6.1. Safety of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by realization of legal, organizational and technical measures required for full compliance with the requirements of the effective legislation related to personal data protection.
6.2. The Operator ensures safety of personal data and makes best efforts to prevent access of unauthorized persons to personal data.
6.3. Personal data of the User shall never and under no circumstances be transferred to third parties, except for the following cases:
- When it is required by the effective legislation;
- For the purposes of arrangement and execution of the event to the organizational committee represented by the Development Fund of “Intellectual Electronics – Valdai” Innovational Research and Development Center.
6.4. In case of discovery of inaccuracies in personal data, the User may update them independently by delivering to the Operator a notification to the email address of the Operator support@it-digl.ru labeled as “Personal data update”.
6.5. The term of personal data processing is unlimited. The User may at all times revoke their consent for personal data processing by delivering to the Operator a notification to the email address of the Operator support@it-digl.ru labeled as “Revocation of consent for personal data processing”.
- International personal data transfer
7.1. Prior to initiation of international personal data transfer, the Operator shall ascertain that the foreign state on the territory of which personal data is planned for transfer ensures proper protection of rights of personal data subjects.
7.2. International personal data transfer to territories of foreign states noncompliant with the abovesaid requirements may be performed exclusively under written consent of relevant personal data subject for international transfer of their personal data and/or performance of an agreement to which such personal data subject is a party.
- Final provisions
8.1. The User may obtain any clarifications on matters of their concernment related to processing of their personal data by contacting the Operator by email at the address support@it-digl.ru.
8.2. This document shall reflect any and all changes to personal data processing policy of the Operator. The Policy remains in force indefinitely until it is replaced by a new revision.
8.3. Freely accessible current revision of the Policy is available on the Internet at the address https://registration.chvt.ru/personaldata/.